
Braces Transformation: Care Tips

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Braces are the ideal way to achieve a beautiful smile. Braces work well in correcting your bite, aligning teeth, and correcting misalignments. During this transformative journey, you’ll need some tips on how to take care of your braces, teeth, and gums. These care tips from Cook Orthodontics will help you have a successful braces transformation, so read on!

woman smiling with braces showing her braces transformation

Proper Oral Hygiene

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is the start of taking care of your braces. Braces have small parts and intricate designs, making it easier for food particles and bacteria to collect on your teeth. 

How to Take Care of Your Teeth With Braces

  • Brush your teeth after every meal using a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.
  • Pay attention to cleaning around the brackets, wires, and along your gum line.
  • Be careful while brushing around your braces, so you don’t damage them.
  • Floss your teeth in and around your braces with floss threaders.
  • Rinse your mouth with mouthwash to remove any leftover plaque or food particles from your mouth.

A Braces-Friendly Diet

A diet that keeps your braces in good condition is essential for the success of your orthodontic treatment and braces transformation. Changing diet habits can be hard, but it is the best way to avoid cavities, enamel erosion, tooth decay, and damage to your braces. 

Foods to Avoid With Braces

  • Hard, sticky, or crunchy foods
    • Gum, corn on the cob, popcorn, pretzels, caramels, gummies, candy, etc.

Foods You Can Have With Braces

  • Soft or liquid foods
    • Mashed potatoes, yogurt, steamed vegetables, soup, etc.

Attend Your Orthodontic Appointments

Visiting your orthodontist regularly is a vital part of your transformation journey with braces. During your appointments, your orthodontist will make necessary adjustments to your braces, ensuring they are working effectively. Missing appointments could lead to a longer treatment time or undermine the efficiency of the orthodontic treatment.

Protect Your Braces

If you partake in sports or physical activity, make sure to protect your mouth and braces while engaging. Physical activity increases the risk of sustaining an injury to your mouth, so investing in a specifically designed mouthguard for orthodontic patients is the best way to go. 

Patience and Consistency: The Key to a Great Braces Transformation

Being patient and consistent with the care of your braces is the best way to have a successful transformation. Orthodontic treatment is a gradual process that may take time to produce the optimal results. Trust the expertise of your orthodontist and their team during your braces transformation. Stay committed to the beautiful smile you’ve always dreamed of with Cook Orthodontics. We have offices in Sandy and Roosevelt Utah, so schedule an appointment today!
