
It is very important to us (as well as you) that we all do our part to keep our community safe moving forward. For this reason, a visit to [practice_name] will be different than what you have experienced previously. Before outlining in-office expectations, we want you to know we are aware each patient’s risk tolerance is different. If you do not feel comfortable coming into the office on your next appointment date, please feel free to call us so that we can discuss appointment options or schedule another appointment at a date and time that fits your needs.

For those patients who will be visiting our office over the coming weeks, please become acquainted with how your in-office visit will be conducted until further notice. We have made a fun video outlining the new process. You can view the video by clicking here.

Before arriving to our building, we ask that you fill out the online health questionnaire and consent form. If the form hasn’t been filled out prior to your appointment, we will have the patient (or a legal guardian) fill out the questionnaire/consent form before entering [practice_name].

Until further notice, we are requesting that ONLY the patient enters our office. Parents and family members are free to wait outside of the building or in your vehicle. If you have a question about a patient’s orthodontic care, Dr. [dr_last] will be happy to discuss it over the phone.

If a patient is receiving an initial orthodontic evaluation, legal guardians should feel free to accompany the patient to the appointment (but will go through the same process outlined above). If a current patient requires a parent/sibling attend their appointment with them, please contact our office at [phone] so we can make special arrangements to have the patient scheduled in a separate treatment room.

For more information and to make your appointment with our [dr_type], Dr. [doctor_name], and team in [city], [state], please contact our office and speak with a member of our team.

Get Started Today

New Patient Forms

Save time and streamline your appointment by filling out our patient forms in advance! Call if you have any questions.

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Request an Appointment

We are excited to meet you! Give us a call or click here to request an appointment with Dr. [dr_last].

Request Appointment

Meet the Team

Our friendly team is excited to meet you! We look forward to helping you improve your smile and oral health.

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Our Office Locations


Sandy Office

Roosevelt Office
